Connect the dots, empower your sales

We connect the dots in your organization to help you realise the full potential of your team and your business.

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Coredinat: The Art of Sales Optimization

Make more sales with less expense with the same source. How Do We Succeed?


More visits


Less expense


Higher efficiency

Coredinat: The Art of Sales Optimization

Make more sales with less expense with the same source.
How Do We Succeed?


More visits


Less expense


Higher efficiency

End-to-End Sales Tracking

With Coredinat, you can track every step of the sales process, from the first contact to signing the deal.

End-to-End Sales Tracking

With Coredinat, you can track every step of the sales process, from the first contact to signing the deal.

100's of sales teams set out with Coredinat every day.

100's of sales teams set out with Coredinat every day.

Features That Power Your Business

Coredinat enables teams to sell more more efficiently
It offers effective solutions designed to ensure


Features That Power Your Business

Coredinat enables teams to sell more more efficiently
It offers effective solutions designed to ensure


Human-Machine Collaboration

Track + AI + CRM = Coredinat

More coordinates. More sales.

Coredinat starts from the coordinates of your business and creates meaningful data to optimize your sales.

Empower your team with AI.

Our artificial intelligence technology learns from your customers and sales teams, increasing sales performance by an average of 36% across 26 different criteria. Empower your team with AI, and experience the difference.

Human-Machine Collaboration

Track + AI + CRM = Coredinat

More coordinates. More sales.

Coredinat starts from the coordinates of your business and creates meaningful data to optimize your sales.

Empower your team with AI.

Our artificial intelligence technology learns from your customers and sales teams, increasing sales performance by an average of 36% across 26 different criteria. Empower your team with AI, and experience the difference.

Weaving Sales Success, Dot by Dot


Weaving Sales Success, Dot by Dot


Connecting Customers to Sales

Coredinat fosters strong connections between sales representatives and customers, ensuring end-to-end satisfaction.

It's more than just a sale; it's a partnership



One purpose. One business!

Coredinat unifies all your sales experts' data on a single platform, reinterpreting it with artificial intelligence to provide valuable insights and performance metrics.

All your sales experts march towards a common goal with the same level of performance.

Connecting Customers to Sales

Coredinat fosters strong connections between sales representatives and customers, ensuring end-to-end satisfaction.

It's more than just a sale; it's a partnership


One purpose. One business!

Coredinat unifies all your sales experts' data on a single platform, reinterpreting it with artificial intelligence to provide valuable insights and performance metrics.

All your sales experts march towards a common goal with the same level of performance.


Features that power your business.

All the features your business needs are brought together. Location services, sales process management, internal messaging, campaign module, advanced reporting and more.

Lower cost, reduce complexity and increase revenue.

Cloud Based

Access from anywhere with its cloud-based structure.

Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Find ways to automate your work.

Creating Institutional Memory

It creates a unique model for you from all movements.

Sales Process Tracking Module

End-to-end customizable sales process tracking.

Mapping and Automatic Location Detection

Follow everything from anywhere.

Online and Field Lead Management

Capture customers from anywhere.

Company Performance Development

Track weekly, monthly, annual sales performance.

Lower Battery Usage

Efficiency everywhere. Including mobile phone charging performance.

Advanced Reporting Features

See a summary of everything with over 20 advanced reporting.

Discover All Features

Features that power your business.

All the features your business needs are brought together. Location services, sales process management, internal messaging, campaign module, advanced reporting and more.

Lower cost, reduce complexity and increase revenue.

blue Cloud Based
blue Powered by Artificial Intelligence
blue Creating Institutional Memory
blue Sales Process Tracking Module
blue Mapping and Automatic Location Detection
blue Online and Field Lead Management
blue Company Performance Development
blue Lower Battery Usage
blue Advanced Reporting Features

Discover All Features

Coredinat Sales Academy

Trends, insights, facts from the field. All of them increase your sales Prepared for you to make it better.

Coredinat Sales Academy

Trends, insights, facts from the field. All of them increase your sales Prepared for you to make it better.